Considering Fostering A Pet: What to Consider

So you're an animal lover, and feel you could do more to help homeless pets... and want to do more. Then fostering pets could be for you but I must warn you my friend, the sense of pride you'll get in knowing you're saving a life and fulfilling a philanthropic calling, can become addictive! Before you know it you may eagerly be taking on a litter of puppies or kittens, or a hard-to-place pet, or once your 1st foster is gone you'll feel the nagging urge to 'do it again,' despite the promise you made to yourself to take a break in between foster pets. Reason being, simple: doing something good feels good and good feelings are ones we want to experience over and over. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with this. It's far better than say, wanting another 1, 2 or 3 glasses of wine or wanting to fall in love over and over again since it feels good too. So, off the bat, let's get that straig...