The Day a Honeybee Thanked Me

Updated 12-18-17 The windows in our carpeted sun-room are modern. They're 5 in total, bipartite and each is approximately 3' x 4', hence making me feel entitled to refer to this as a sun-room . Plants thrive in this room, even in the dead of a cold, gloomy winter. Toys can be strewn across this room while the rest of the house remains (seemingly) intact. It's a great room. Now the windows are open. An old, plug-in fan is humming; my child, napping. When flying insects occasionally and inevitably enter the house, through the backdoor, which is in the sun-room, they prefer to buzz around the sun-room's spacious windows. They want out. It's in their nature. About a week ago a honeybee accidentally made its way into our home. Now you...