
Showing posts from November, 2016

Do You Love Where You Live?

     Do You Love Where You Live?     "I love it here. After my husband and I settled in Louisville I convinced my father, then my brother, to move here too. We are from Michigan but we love Louisville,"said a young mother of two during casual conversation at a local park.      I was with a friend, her child and my child. -I hear comments like the aforementioned  one a  lot about my hometown. Louisville, Ky.      What are the Good Things about Your Current City?    This city has a good local music scene, a sincere appreciation and respect for local businesses; there's not too much traffic, housing prices are affordable for many, the job economy is above average with an unemployment rate at 4.2% as of Aug. 2016 per, and there are dozens of awesome parks.      Louisville was named one of the world's 'best food getaway cities' by Zagat Survey, LL...

A Brief Profile of the Sanders Supporters that Voted Trump

2 Poems Written right after the election results, 2016 Sick to my soul, Wondering how so many could have voted for this arrogant asshole. Lady Liberty cries today, Her tears flow freely to the sea, A place without lines, borders, or divides, Unlike the country you've made for me. A Brief Profile of the Sanders Supporters that Voted Trump    Young (between the ages of 18-28), educated and highly skeptical of mainstream media is this group.     Lured by the idealistic and progressive utopia Sanders envisioned for our country and world, these people passionately felt 'the Bern.'          They are all about fairness, equality, the right to choose and supporting social programs to benefit a host of worthy causes.     However once Bernie was out of the race, something strange happened. These people slowly but surely became 'Trump that Bitch' allies.         This happened in part due to their extreme...

KHS Follow Up, Apology Letter

November 14, 2016 Dear Ms. Kane-Redmon, The last letter I sent you has perturbed me. I regret writing and sending you a letter with a harsh undertone. You, nor anyone at KHS, deserves that. You dedicate your career and life to working in Animal Welfare day after day. That demands recognition and respect. Sometimes, I, like many people, get ahead of myself and don't take time to reflect prior to saying or writing something. My intentions are always good but the execution of my message is certainly not a perfected formula. My apologies, not for the sentiment expressed in my initial letter, but rather for potentially coming accross as harsh or judgmental. -We're all works in progress in this thing called life. I revere the Kentucky Humane Society and the work it does in this community. -With any progress comes growing pains. Respectfully, Jessica Pita