Do You Love Where You Live?
Do You Love Where You Live? "I love it here. After my husband and I settled in Louisville I convinced my father, then my brother, to move here too. We are from Michigan but we love Louisville,"said a young mother of two during casual conversation at a local park. I was with a friend, her child and my child. -I hear comments like the aforementioned one a lot about my hometown. Louisville, Ky. What are the Good Things about Your Current City? This city has a good local music scene, a sincere appreciation and respect for local businesses; there's not too much traffic, housing prices are affordable for many, the job economy is above average with an unemployment rate at 4.2% as of Aug. 2016 per, and there are dozens of awesome parks. Louisville was named one of the world's 'best food getaway cities' by Zagat Survey, LL...