How We Finally Got Our Baby to Sleep Through the Night
-Written when my baby was almost a year old; I didn't finish the post back then because, baby didn't keep sleeping through the night! Oh my baby? He slept for 12 1/2 hours last night, 9 of which were uninterrupted by night wakings. Sorry to sound like a bragging mom but, I'm a little entitled. I spent 10 months suffering the horrendous effects of sleep deprivation. Many days I felt irritable, angry and zombie-like. Some days the deprivation made me feel physically sick, others just depressed and hopeless. Don't get me wrong, I had good days too but sleep deprivation and my baby's ongoing night wakings were taking a toll on every aspect of my life. Me, me, me, I'm going on just about myself... Imagine how my poor baby felt... waking up every couple of hours nearly every single night?! There has been a lot of mommy-guilt associate...