Kentucky Mutts Foster Parents, What to Know!

The greatest benefits to fostering for Kentucky Mutts Fosters are: 1.) You don't need to find a home for your foster pet. When I started fostering back in 2006 (for a municipal shelter), I had to find homes for my foster dogs. There wasn't another option available to them! This was and still is extremely rewarding but , as a busy mom that works, fostering for Ky. Mutts is great in that... I don't have the task or responsibility of finding a loving home for these fosters. Some great Ky. Mutts transport activity! 2.) You know where your foster dog is going when he or she leaves your care. You will know to which rescue, in which city and state, your dog is going. Ky. Mutts works in partnership with a larger transport rescue group, Mobile Mutts. These 2 rescues 'pull' dogs from high kill shelters in southern states, and rescue dogs from compromising situations. From there the dogs are placed in foster care ...