This Pandemic Made Me Want to Hear My Mom's Voice (and that's atypical for me)
My mom is a talker. And she's a loud talker. Her quiet voice is... well... I'm not sure she has a quiet voice! Of course I love my mom. We've had our ups and downs as most mothers and daughters have, but enjoy a pleasant and comfortable relationship now, and have for years. That being said, I've never been one of those daughters that's like, "My mom is my best friend. We get along so well. We could talk for hours." I think it's sweet some daughters have that kind of relationship with their mothers and I know plenty of such mom-daughter duos but, my mom and I aren't like that! We typically talk for a few minutes, just to catch up, every 2-3 days and see each other once/week, for a few minutes at a time. My mom likes to spend quality time with her only grandson, my son, every week if possible, which is nice. So, Knowing the Relationship I have with my Mother (we're close but not 'talk-every-day-kind-of-close...