Moms are Different

Not all moms can cope, mentally, with staying home with their little ones full time. Not all moms can cope, emotionally, with going to work every day and leaving their little ones behind full time. Not all moms can choose whether they will work or stay home with their little ones; these moms often wish they could stay home but if they were to stay home many would find they prefer working because most any job is less fatiguing than caring for a little one, full time. My son and me Not all moms can deal with not getting a date night at least once a month with their partners. Not all moms can find the time and energy to arrange for a sitter, get ready to go out and make plans for a date night once a month, or for some moms, even once a year! Some moms bottle-feed, some moms breast-feed. Some moms drink alcoholic beverages when they're nursing, they 'pump and dump' (as on...