Copy of Letter to Public City Officials Regarding Litter Problem
| 11:49 AM (37 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
To Whom It May Concern,
But wait, it concerns all of us, so this email is to all of us, all of our city, to any and everyone that will listen, and look.
What is it: Litter.
Why is it a problem: It's immoral to disrespect our mother, our planet, by using any and all of her grounds as a dump. It's wrong, and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law.
Who's the culprit: the litterbugs.
Why aren't we using surveillance cameras to capture these despicable beings, and then follow up with a hefty ticket in the mail?? -They can pay the ticket, or go pick a 1 mile radius where they were caught littering. -Caught littering? -Is that possible? -With all of this technology, why yes it is. -Could it be affordable to catch litterbugs in action, and send them a ticket? -Why yes, it could be.
Golly gee, I get the feeling we're talking about solutions. Oh woah, potential solutions to a major, disgusting, ongoing, immoral issue and problem??? And paid municipal government workers are in this email? Woah. That's heavy.
When: Now. Make it happen. Do something. Enough is enough. I have my own job, family, and non-profit-business. I cannot fix this on my own. No one can do it on their own. Get together. Make it happen. Help resolve the problem of littering. It is a crime, and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
How: I mentioned one good option in this email.
To resume, this email has an angry, sarcastic tone. I apologize for that. I'm in an angry, sarcastic mood. Sometimes it's ok to let that be 'heard' and felt. This is one of those times.
The property that has, in particular, struck such outrage in me as of late in regards to litter is the Durrett Ln run, off of Poplar Level Road. Someone (yes, I suspect it's the same person) uses this stretch as his (yes, I suspect it's a man) personal dumping ground. There's regularly newly-discarded bags of fast food, little one shot bottles of fireball alcohol, styrofoam cups, then an array of garbage such as diaper wipes boxes, cat food boxes, you name it. A person that litters like this isn't worthy of the clean air he breathes in my humble opinion. Recently, on one of our family dog walks, we spotted women's underwear, and a condom wrapper. -Disgusting. Luckily I was wearing a glove and had a garbage bag on me on that walk. -So sad.
Prior to sending this email, months ago, I requested 'no dumping' signs via Metro 311, Twitter. I never received a thorough response from them. I followed up on that with Karen Maynard via Nextdoor. She was kind enough to look into this for me, and this was her response: This request has been closed and the comment was: "Louisville Metro Public Works does not post or repair “No Littering” or “No Dumping” signs along the public Right-of-Way. These signs are no longer approved in the Federal MUTCD and have been proven ineffective at deterring illegal dumping. In most cases, No Littering & No Dumping signs increased the presence of trash by calling attention to areas that were prone to dumping."
While I sincerely appreciate her response and time, as well as her role with the Louisville Waste District, I do not appreciate that her response via the Nextdoor app did not offer any alternative solutions or actions we could take, since the signs were a no-go.
Cced is my wonderful councilman, Pat Mulvihill, along with his equally-wonderful right-hand-man, Geoff Wohl.
Jessica L. Pita
Camp Taylor Resident, Concerned Citizen of this city, of this world
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